Been Playing Far Cry 3 And I Must Say I am Hooked On It

Hi all,

Sorry for not posting in a while, but I do get carried away once I get to playing a game I’m really enjoying it. The latest on my list is Far Cry 3, I really didn’t expect to get hooked so easily on this game but it’s absolutely great. I’m loving it, there is tons of stuff to do and the storyline is pretty cool too.

I’ve also got Tomb Raider which is coming tomorrow or the next day, which should also be cool, and I also took advantage of the PSN offer of spending $50 and get $10 back, so I pre-ordered Bioshock Infinite which I will now be able to download one minute after midnight on the 26th of this month, how cool is that? Which, means it only actually cost me $49.99 instead of $59.99, awesome.

There are some pretty awesome games coming out this year, also there is Sniper 2 Ghost Warrior, I enjoyed the first one so this one should be pretty cool, then you have The Last of Us later this year, which is certainly going to be another game of the year game, just hope I can get that one the day it releases, we’ll have to wait and see.

I’m still in the process of trying to get a recording system setup, but I’m short of a couple of cables, once I have those in place I should be able to start doing the video walkthrough’s again, so looking forward to that.

Well, that’s about it for now, happy gaming.

Tony 🙂