Skyrim: Legendary Edition

Hi all,

I know, I know, Skyrim is old now but I did manage to get a copy of the Legendary Edition a couple of months back, and at $20 it was a great buy. Many of you have already played and probably completed it but this is one of those games I won’t get bored of playing, I love it.


Unfortunately, I haven’t had much chance to play it lately but it’s one of those games I’ll keep hold of, great story, fantastic gameplay and a ton of stuff to do makes this one of the best games I own.


Talking of keeping hold of certain games, I have around five or six that I would probably never get rid of, games like Skyrim, Borderlands 1 and 2, Godfather 2, Bioshock (all of them) and Dishonored. I would love to add Thief 4 to that little collection.

What games are you keeping hold of and why, which games will you always go back to when you’re bored? Let me know ok, next time I will be talking about some new releases due out over the next couple of months.

