Another Platinum-For The Game Of Sleeping Dogs

Hi all,

I finally got the platinum for Sleeping Dogs, a great fun game, took me a couple of days longer than expected due to me missing two random events which the only way to find them was to drive constantly around town until they showed up, I got em though, lol.

I’ve now decided to go back to an old favorite, White Knight Chronicles.  This may sound crazy, but I’m going to try and solo platinum this one as the servers are going offline in two weeks, I have got the platinum for this one on another account and I actually played the game for about two years when it first came out.  Since creating this other account it gives me a chance to play it again, it’s one of my favorite games.

I’m already about halfway through the storyline, although the platinum is probably going to take me around 1,000 hours as I’m soloing. This is not one of those games that I will play constantly though, it’s a great game for taking a break from all the others and I will play it off and on while playing other games. Already have 3 trophies, but the rest will take forever, lol.  It has been a very underrated game and it was a shame that more people didn’t get into it. The few that did really did get into it and some of the players were, like myself and continued playing for well over a year or two, even after getting the platinum.

This was mostly due to the way the online was laid out, it was very fun to meet up in each other’s rooms, many just met up there to just chat and have a laugh, some ran quests, some helped each other out getting materials for upgrading, it was a really fun place. This time around, for me, will be different as I’m going solo and it won’t be the same, I really enjoyed playing with many friends on there.

Will update as I go along, my trophies also register on Facebook as I get them, that is if the account is still active all this time,  so anyone can see what I’m playing at any given time. Happy gaming.

Tony 🙂


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