60% Of Kingdoms Of Amalur Completed

Hi all,

I managed to get 60% of the trophies before having to start over as I managed to glitch the whole game somehow, could be because it was a download, I don’t know.  Anyway, I was in the middle of a quest when the game froze, when I came back I couldn’t fast travel anywhere.  Long story short, I decided to start over on hard mode as that is a trophy too.  Shame that I had 167 Lorestones out of the 170 needed, but I’ll get them again.

I’m actually enjoying playing through a second time, it’s like watching a really good movie the second time around, you get to notice all the stuff you missed the first time.  I’m finding that I’m doing all the side quests in order to get my level up high enough to defeat the main quest bosses on the hard mode, it’s a pretty good strategy.  I’m also putting points into the image side of things this time around to get the dispels trophy etc…

Well, I’m looking forward to playing a good few days on hard mode, it’s a really enjoyable game so if you are getting bored of not playing a decent RPG, then give it a go, it’s pretty cheap now too.